Friday, December 30, 2022





A Memoir of Grief and Hope 

by Claire Vimala Anderson 


   Author Claire Vimala Anderson revisits the memoir she wrote in the 1990’s after Billy, her oldest brother, died of AIDS. Claire Vimala published her writings via desktop publishing in 1997, then again as a third-person work of fiction in 2001, and then it sat. Through serendipity she found the original manuscript while working on ‘Desert Song’ and determined to publish it properly as a memoir all of these years later. The book remains relevant as people are still leaving and being left behind and still grieve these losses. Here is hope you will find comfort in this story, or at the least, awareness and compassion as you read.

    “This book gives words to things we all think and feel when someone we love is dying.” - S.D.

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     “Life’s most difficult lessons never wait until you are ready for them. I thought that they did until Labor Day in 1991 when the sky fell, the sun grew dark, and I embarked upon a journey from which I would emerge completely altered. That day my cousin pulled me away from a family gathering, took me for a long walk, and as gently as any bearer of sad tidings could, told me something I hoped I would never have to hear — ‘your brother has AIDS.’”

   With this moving pronouncement, author Claire Vimala Anderson begins the poignant yet thoughtful memoir of a most significant and life-altering experience in her life. Safely Through the Fire chronicles events surrounding the death of her oldest brother Billy by AIDS in September of 1992. Through vivid recall, the author paints a realistic landscape of emotional and spiritual upheaval, isolation, and the eventual resolution of this untimely death.

   “This is the book I longed for when I first learned that my brother was dying. I wanted someone who had already weathered the storm to send back a word of hope. This story is for the multitudes who have been left behind.” Claire Vimala Anderson


 “Insightful — touching — beautifully handled.
— Paul Brown, “Probe” WQLN-FM, Erie, PA

“A book of hope and of life in the face of a death and a cruel dying.
— Jerry Trambley, Erie Times-News





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Make checks available to:
'Claire Anderson'
c/o Cathy Little
107 Brittle Creek Lane
Simpsonville, SC 29680
Check amount: $18 per book
and autograph if requested
Allow 2-3 weeks for delivery.

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posted on 2/11/23

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